Friday, June 5, 2020

Election Year

Beginning with the 2000 election, political campaigning has become more and more hateful and more and more deceitful. I truly didn't think it could have gotten worse than it was in 2008, but the election of 2016 proved me wrong. We're now into the election year of 2020 and thankfully it hasn't gotten too bad, but mostly because people have been so concerned and wrapped up with the social isolation due to the COVID-19 virus.

But, as election day draws nearer, I'm praying we can retain some of the kindness we've shown during the COVID-19 crisis and show true love, consideration, courtesy and accept one another as brothers and sisters and remember that we all have one common goal: the good of the country. We may not agree on how to reach that goal, but we do all want the same thing.

Just because someone wears a different color political ribbon doesn't make them an enemy; it just means they have a different vision of how to achieve the greatness that we all want for this country. How we lost sight of this fact I can't fathom, but we somehow came to believe that if someone doesn't have the same political views we have they are an enemy of the state or that they want to overthrow our government and create some sort of dictatorship. Neither of the parties want that, that I'm aware of, and I'm sure that wouldn't be allowed to happen even if someone wanted to do it, anyway. Personally, I'm not affiliated with either party. I don't believe in party politics. I'm an independent voter who votes for the candidate who I feel is best able to perform the job the way I think the job should be done and move this country in the direction it should be moved. Political party has nothing to do with ability to do the right thing. Doing the right thing comes from the heart of the candidate/representative, not their party affiliation.

I rarely speak politics, and I'm not going to get into my political beliefs or which candidates I favor for any of the offices up for a vote in November, but I do want to urge everyone to remember that we do all want the same thing: a strong, effective country that takes care of our own citizenry first, and protects our interests foremost. And I want us all to keep in mind that we are stronger when we stick together and fight together instead of fighting one another. A house divided will fall and the way we've been going for the past 20 years, we're going to fall soon if we don't get out act together quickly.