I have been told, at times, that I talk about Jesus and/or God, too much. Really? I don't think a Christian can speak too much about Jesus and God. And besides, I can't really help myself but to talk about Jesus and God as much as I do. See, Jesus is the most important person in my life! He saved me!! He didn't just save my soul, He saved my life!! Numerous times. How could I not talk about Him and what He has done for me?
I wonder about people who call themselves Christian but they don't talk about Jesus all the time. I seriously wonder about those who then tell me I talk about Him too much! I don't think I talk about Jesus as much as I should be doing. See, every breath I breathe is thanks to Jesus, so I really should use every breath I breathe to speak about Him and what He has done, is doing and will do. And about what He can do for others. God is not some figment of my imagination or some "higher power" out there that I have no real clue about. God is right here, inside me, beside me and all around me! I can't see the sun rise without seeing God. I can't see a bird fly without seeing God! I can't see any part of nature without realizing that God is nature and nature is God. Every aspect of this world that I live in is full of God's presence and I see His hand in everything.
If someone thinks I talk about God and Jesus too much, all I can say to them is that I don't want to offend them, but I'm much more worried about offending God and Jesus than I am about offending them. See, I'm not going to hide the fact that God is more important to me than anything or anyone on this planet. I'm not going to hide the fact that I am so grateful that Jesus sacrificed so much to buy my pardon and give me the chance to experience a relationship with Him and His Father! That I am now a Son of God, not just a creation of God. I can't sit around and be silent. Even if I could, I wouldn't. I will always speak of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost because without that love and sacrifice I wouldn't be alive much less know life.
So every breath I breathe will be to give praise, worship, adoration and love to God. Every song I sing will be to give praise and worship to Jesus Christ. In Christ I move and have my being so I cannot keep my words from being about Him. He gave me life and He is my life.
Love is God is Love is Good
Contemporary Christian Singer/Songwriter Denny Wade Garrett's messages and notes from the heart.
Friday, November 3, 2023
Wednesday, November 1, 2023
Living by Faith
Do we, as Christians really believe our prayers will be answered? Truly, one-thousand percent believe? A belief so strong that we know that we know that we know that God will answer our prayers? Most of the time we don't act like it! Not most of the Christians I know, anyway, including myself. We all talk about how we go to God in prayer and we leave our burdens at His feet, but then when we walk away we pull them back with us with a string we've attached. That's because we think we have to still deal with them because we are not putting our full confidence and faith in God.
We pray and ask God to heal our country but we don't leave it to God, we have to go to rallies, and protests, and push through legislation that we think will do the fixing for Him! What is wrong with us? If we truly believe that God will answer our prayers then we need to get out of His way and let Him take care of it! We all know He can, we just don't believe He will do it the way we want Him to. That's where our biggest problem is: we want God to do it our way, not His. People, let me tell you from personal experience, our way is never going to be His way! His ways are so much higher than we can even imagine!!! Let me give you an example from a memoir I recently read.
Two very well known Christian singers who are STRONG in their faith were at the beginnings of their career in music. They each had a different desire for the direction they would be going. One of them wound up falling ill. Seriously, deadly ill. That left the other out there fulfilling concert commitments by themself. It wasn't until God gave them what they wanted that they realized they weren't equipped for what they wanted. And then, and only then, did they submit to God's will and today they are one of the most amazing ministers of God in music that I've ever heard of. But they had to learn to do it in God's will, not by pushing their own onto God.
You can either let God lead you and enjoy all His abundance or you can ask God to bless your will and hope and pray that you eke through without getting hurt. Trust me, it's much more enjoyable to follow God rather than trying to deal with the meager crumbs you get when you ask Him to bless your will. My will only gets me into trouble, pain and heartache. His gives me abundance, joy, peace and love.
So, what's your choice for your life going to be? Your will or God's? The choice is even easier than the Capital One commercials!!!
We pray and ask God to heal our country but we don't leave it to God, we have to go to rallies, and protests, and push through legislation that we think will do the fixing for Him! What is wrong with us? If we truly believe that God will answer our prayers then we need to get out of His way and let Him take care of it! We all know He can, we just don't believe He will do it the way we want Him to. That's where our biggest problem is: we want God to do it our way, not His. People, let me tell you from personal experience, our way is never going to be His way! His ways are so much higher than we can even imagine!!! Let me give you an example from a memoir I recently read.
Two very well known Christian singers who are STRONG in their faith were at the beginnings of their career in music. They each had a different desire for the direction they would be going. One of them wound up falling ill. Seriously, deadly ill. That left the other out there fulfilling concert commitments by themself. It wasn't until God gave them what they wanted that they realized they weren't equipped for what they wanted. And then, and only then, did they submit to God's will and today they are one of the most amazing ministers of God in music that I've ever heard of. But they had to learn to do it in God's will, not by pushing their own onto God.
You can either let God lead you and enjoy all His abundance or you can ask God to bless your will and hope and pray that you eke through without getting hurt. Trust me, it's much more enjoyable to follow God rather than trying to deal with the meager crumbs you get when you ask Him to bless your will. My will only gets me into trouble, pain and heartache. His gives me abundance, joy, peace and love.
So, what's your choice for your life going to be? Your will or God's? The choice is even easier than the Capital One commercials!!!
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Why I Say What I Say
It's funny how you can say something quite plainly, yet there will be those who will come back to you and say, "state it to me clearly. what are you trying to say?" As for me, all I can say is, "take what I said as what I said. I don't speak in riddles, I don't speak in clues. I say what I mean and I mean what I say."
See, most of what I keep being questioned on is when I start talking directly from the teachings of Jesus; somehow some people are confused on what He actually taught us and told us to do. Take the feeding of the hungry, for example. If you tell a lot of today's churchgoing people that we're supposed to do that, their answer is "well, my church takes care of that." Show me one scripture where Jesus said let the local denomination you attend do these things. If your local church does so, Praise God! But that does not absolve the individual from the responsibility of doing what Jesus told us to do!!
The Bible tells us in the last days there will be a great falling away. Most of my life I've heard about how the church is growing, but we know we're living in the last days so how do we reconcile those two seemingly conflicting statements? There's only one way to do so: just because butts are in the pews don't mean they'll be passing through the pearly gates! Correct me if you think I'm wrong, but that's the only way I can reach a resolution in my mind, heart and soul. Don't believe me? Read Matthew 7:21-23. But, that brings to my mind something else I've had people bring up to me.
When I start bringing up these topics, someone will inevitably come to me and tell me I'm condemning people or judging people. Not true. I'm speaking Biblical truth because of what I see and understand to be going on in this world today. I'm not in the face of an individual screaming they are going to hell because they don't believe the way I do. And I'm always willing to listen to someone who wants to use Biblical scripture to tell me that I'm mistaken. But when it comes as accusation, then I know it's not something that's coming from Holy Spirit. Yes, Holy Spirit will challenge me on things I've not gotten quite right, but it's never condemning and it's never harsh. And I try to never be harsh when I say these things. Galatians 6:1 says, "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." I'm doing what I've been told to do by the Word of God and I never want to come across as judgmental or cruel or condemning when I do so, so if anyone sees that, then I definitely want them to point that out to me, just as they are told to do.
The sad truth is that today, while so many say they believe in the devil, they don't really. They don't believe that the devil is a deceiver. They believe the devil will only confront them face to face with something evil. While he does that, also, his best trick is to deceive a believer into believing something that is a twisted version of the truth. That's how he starts leading them astray and the end result is total separation from God. Just like this current movement of people asking, "How can a good God send people to hell?" That's the devil's trick! God won't be sending anyone to hell! Even Lucifer, himself, chose to go to hell! All we have to do to prevent that from happening is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and acknowledge there is only One, True God! The Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End. His name is I AM!
Sowing discord, discontent, hatred, malice, judgment, condemnation, mistrust and division are all tools of the devil. And if you're not seeing all those tools being used in this present age then you have blinders on. And I pray Holy Spirit will remove the scales from your spiritual eyes so that you can see you're being deceived.
Love is God and God is Love and Love is good!
See, most of what I keep being questioned on is when I start talking directly from the teachings of Jesus; somehow some people are confused on what He actually taught us and told us to do. Take the feeding of the hungry, for example. If you tell a lot of today's churchgoing people that we're supposed to do that, their answer is "well, my church takes care of that." Show me one scripture where Jesus said let the local denomination you attend do these things. If your local church does so, Praise God! But that does not absolve the individual from the responsibility of doing what Jesus told us to do!!
The Bible tells us in the last days there will be a great falling away. Most of my life I've heard about how the church is growing, but we know we're living in the last days so how do we reconcile those two seemingly conflicting statements? There's only one way to do so: just because butts are in the pews don't mean they'll be passing through the pearly gates! Correct me if you think I'm wrong, but that's the only way I can reach a resolution in my mind, heart and soul. Don't believe me? Read Matthew 7:21-23. But, that brings to my mind something else I've had people bring up to me.
When I start bringing up these topics, someone will inevitably come to me and tell me I'm condemning people or judging people. Not true. I'm speaking Biblical truth because of what I see and understand to be going on in this world today. I'm not in the face of an individual screaming they are going to hell because they don't believe the way I do. And I'm always willing to listen to someone who wants to use Biblical scripture to tell me that I'm mistaken. But when it comes as accusation, then I know it's not something that's coming from Holy Spirit. Yes, Holy Spirit will challenge me on things I've not gotten quite right, but it's never condemning and it's never harsh. And I try to never be harsh when I say these things. Galatians 6:1 says, "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." I'm doing what I've been told to do by the Word of God and I never want to come across as judgmental or cruel or condemning when I do so, so if anyone sees that, then I definitely want them to point that out to me, just as they are told to do.
The sad truth is that today, while so many say they believe in the devil, they don't really. They don't believe that the devil is a deceiver. They believe the devil will only confront them face to face with something evil. While he does that, also, his best trick is to deceive a believer into believing something that is a twisted version of the truth. That's how he starts leading them astray and the end result is total separation from God. Just like this current movement of people asking, "How can a good God send people to hell?" That's the devil's trick! God won't be sending anyone to hell! Even Lucifer, himself, chose to go to hell! All we have to do to prevent that from happening is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and acknowledge there is only One, True God! The Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End. His name is I AM!
Sowing discord, discontent, hatred, malice, judgment, condemnation, mistrust and division are all tools of the devil. And if you're not seeing all those tools being used in this present age then you have blinders on. And I pray Holy Spirit will remove the scales from your spiritual eyes so that you can see you're being deceived.
Love is God and God is Love and Love is good!
Monday, October 30, 2023
What Is A Christian?
In this present age, there seems to be a disconnect between calling ourselves "Christian" and being a "Christian." There are many people who think they are a Christian because they go to church or mass every time the doors open, but they never talk about Jesus when they're away from the church. There are those who can speak the Bible, quoting every chapter and verse, but they hate other ethnicities, immigrants, other cultures and sometimes even Jews. I love the scripture that says: "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;" (1 Corinthians 13:1-3.)
I once challenged a man who was speaking so much evil about certain groups of people and I reminded him that the Bible tells to love. This Baptist preacher told me that he did love them. I was left stunned. How can you speak about killing people you love? Or depriving them of the basic needs of life? That's not any kind of love that I've ever heard of! Jesus told us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and elderly and house the homeless. These are the ways we show love to someone. So many people think love is an emotion when it's not! Love is action. You can tell me 10 Million times you love me, but if you never do anything to show me love, you'll never convince me that you do.
Jesus told us on That Great and Final Day, He will tell many who spoke in tongues and prophecied and cast out demons in His name to depart from Him and when they question why His answer will be: you didn't give Me water when I was thirsty, food when I was hungry, shelter when I was homeless, etc. And they will say they never saw Him in those conditions to which He will reply: "When you did not do it unto the least of these, you did not do it unto Me." Love is action! Being a Christian means action. It means helping those less fortunate rather than saving all the blessings God has given you and building up a million dollar bank account. It means helping build homes and shelters for the homeless rather than building a million dollar mansion. It means not buying a $150,000 car and driving it past a single mother who is walking to work in the rain so she can support her children!
I have been called to do what I am doing! I was put here at such a time as this to call Christians out to doing what Jesus told us to do! I cannot sit back and keep my mouth shut because I would be disobeying God if I were to do that. He has anointed me to bring the message to the church and to the lost that He is a loving, merciful God whose Grace is sufficient for each and every one of us. And for those of us who have known His grace and mercy to not turn around and show grace and mercy to the lost, we are but hypocrites and we do not have love in our hearts. My soul cries out in pain when I see Christians who aren't behaving like Christians! Because I know they're not filled with the love that I have known from my Father in Heaven! Being filled with His love makes me want to share that love with every single person I come into contact with! To do for each and every person on this planet what He has done for me! To wipe their tears, soothe their hurts, mend their wounds, feed their bodies and their souls, give water when they're thirsty and tell them that He loves them so much! No, I don't always hit the mark, but I keep trying. When the devil knocks me down, God reaches down His hand and lifts me back on my feet so that I can dust myself off and get back into action.
When you do kind things for your enemies because you love them, it amazes them! They don't know how to react to that! That, then, makes them pause and wonder how your Christianity can bring you to do that when their religion only makes them want to kill you, at all costs. When you pray for, and do good things for, those who use you and hurt you, you bring about a questioning in their hearts about their own state of salvation. But, of course, you can't do these things if you don't love your enemies and those who spitefully use you. Love is the key! Love is the answer! And there is no law or commandment by God that has ever said love is not good! Love conquers all! Love overcomes all! Love benefits all!
Because love is God and God is love!
I once challenged a man who was speaking so much evil about certain groups of people and I reminded him that the Bible tells to love. This Baptist preacher told me that he did love them. I was left stunned. How can you speak about killing people you love? Or depriving them of the basic needs of life? That's not any kind of love that I've ever heard of! Jesus told us to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick and elderly and house the homeless. These are the ways we show love to someone. So many people think love is an emotion when it's not! Love is action. You can tell me 10 Million times you love me, but if you never do anything to show me love, you'll never convince me that you do.
Jesus told us on That Great and Final Day, He will tell many who spoke in tongues and prophecied and cast out demons in His name to depart from Him and when they question why His answer will be: you didn't give Me water when I was thirsty, food when I was hungry, shelter when I was homeless, etc. And they will say they never saw Him in those conditions to which He will reply: "When you did not do it unto the least of these, you did not do it unto Me." Love is action! Being a Christian means action. It means helping those less fortunate rather than saving all the blessings God has given you and building up a million dollar bank account. It means helping build homes and shelters for the homeless rather than building a million dollar mansion. It means not buying a $150,000 car and driving it past a single mother who is walking to work in the rain so she can support her children!
I have been called to do what I am doing! I was put here at such a time as this to call Christians out to doing what Jesus told us to do! I cannot sit back and keep my mouth shut because I would be disobeying God if I were to do that. He has anointed me to bring the message to the church and to the lost that He is a loving, merciful God whose Grace is sufficient for each and every one of us. And for those of us who have known His grace and mercy to not turn around and show grace and mercy to the lost, we are but hypocrites and we do not have love in our hearts. My soul cries out in pain when I see Christians who aren't behaving like Christians! Because I know they're not filled with the love that I have known from my Father in Heaven! Being filled with His love makes me want to share that love with every single person I come into contact with! To do for each and every person on this planet what He has done for me! To wipe their tears, soothe their hurts, mend their wounds, feed their bodies and their souls, give water when they're thirsty and tell them that He loves them so much! No, I don't always hit the mark, but I keep trying. When the devil knocks me down, God reaches down His hand and lifts me back on my feet so that I can dust myself off and get back into action.
When you do kind things for your enemies because you love them, it amazes them! They don't know how to react to that! That, then, makes them pause and wonder how your Christianity can bring you to do that when their religion only makes them want to kill you, at all costs. When you pray for, and do good things for, those who use you and hurt you, you bring about a questioning in their hearts about their own state of salvation. But, of course, you can't do these things if you don't love your enemies and those who spitefully use you. Love is the key! Love is the answer! And there is no law or commandment by God that has ever said love is not good! Love conquers all! Love overcomes all! Love benefits all!
Because love is God and God is love!
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