Do we, as Christians really believe our prayers will be answered? Truly, one-thousand percent believe? A belief so strong that we know that we know that we know that God will answer our prayers? Most of the time we don't act like it! Not most of the Christians I know, anyway, including myself. We all talk about how we go to God in prayer and we leave our burdens at His feet, but then when we walk away we pull them back with us with a string we've attached. That's because we think we have to still deal with them because we are not putting our full confidence and faith in God.
We pray and ask God to heal our country but we don't leave it to God, we have to go to rallies, and protests, and push through legislation that we think will do the fixing for Him! What is wrong with us? If we truly believe that God will answer our prayers then we need to get out of His way and let Him take care of it! We all know He can, we just don't believe He will do it the way we want Him to. That's where our biggest problem is: we want God to do it our way, not His. People, let me tell you from personal experience, our way is never going to be His way! His ways are so much higher than we can even imagine!!! Let me give you an example from a memoir I recently read.
Two very well known Christian singers who are STRONG in their faith were at the beginnings of their career in music. They each had a different desire for the direction they would be going. One of them wound up falling ill. Seriously, deadly ill. That left the other out there fulfilling concert commitments by themself. It wasn't until God gave them what they wanted that they realized they weren't equipped for what they wanted. And then, and only then, did they submit to God's will and today they are one of the most amazing ministers of God in music that I've ever heard of. But they had to learn to do it in God's will, not by pushing their own onto God.
You can either let God lead you and enjoy all His abundance or you can ask God to bless your will and hope and pray that you eke through without getting hurt. Trust me, it's much more enjoyable to follow God rather than trying to deal with the meager crumbs you get when you ask Him to bless your will. My will only gets me into trouble, pain and heartache. His gives me abundance, joy, peace and love.
So, what's your choice for your life going to be? Your will or God's? The choice is even easier than the Capital One commercials!!!
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