Oh God, help me, please: I am so weary of hearing the hatred, the vitriol, the lies and the blaming. I am so very tired of everyone distrusting everyone else and blaming yet someone else for their own problems. I am so tired of hearing people talk about their love for others while they are openly, and sometimes gleefully, doing everything they can to destroy the lives of anyone who doesn't believe or act exactly like them or the way they want others to believe or act. I am sick of hearing people say they aren't raciest while in the same breath they claim every member of a particular race are worthless, liars, thieves, etc.
I'm not sure I can take much more of the Republican party claiming the Democratics are responsible for the violent riots taking place across this country. Nor can I take much more of the Democrats claiming that all Republicans are selfish, wealthy autocrats who care nothing about the ordinary people of this country because they are protecting the wealth of the large corporations and the wealthiest of business owners. Mostly I have had my fill of each of those parties claiming anyone who is a member of that other party cannot possibly be Christian because they are a member of that other party!
At this point, God, I am to the point of praying for You to just destroy us all! To send fire and brimstone down from heaven and completely obliterate this earth! I get tired of trying to tell people about Your love while hearing them tell me they do love You while they spew hatred for anyone who doesn't hold to their view of what being a Christian should be, when they, themselves, can't measure up to their view of a Christian!
Lord, I keep hearing 'believers' talking about Your love flowing across this land; I keep hearing how they say Revival is spreading across this land, yet all I see is self-righteous people who condemn any and every person who isn't painted up to show the image of what they think You want them to be! I look around this world, Father, and I see Christians who are acting like the Sadduccees and Pharisees and Sanhedrin during the time Jesus was walking this planet. We, the church, have become those men who threw the woman on the ground at Jesus' feet, demanding that she be stoned to death for her adultery while the man she was committing adultery with was long gone and never mentioned. I have always wondered if that man she was caught with was one of their own?
God, help me understand how I can be the man You want me to be; how I can demonstrate Your love, grace and compassion to those around me so effectively that it becomes contagious. Help me be a man who personifies You in this world. Help me push back my own prejudices and human desire to judge and allow me to see each and every person on this planet as Your child; to see them through Your eyes of love! Help me remind other Christians that we were all unworthy and without hope, yet You, in Your amazing grace and mercy, showed us forgiveness and accepted us into Your divinity as adopted children in Your family. Help me show that Your love was for the entire world just as it is written in John 3:16; not that Your love is only for those who have chosen Your Son as their lord and savior, but for each and every human being who has ever been born or will ever be born! We, as Christians, often speak of the world as if they are outside Your love; that those lost souls are without hope of redemption, when the fact of the matter is, they are the very ones Your Son came to die, and be ressurected for!
Most of all, God, please help me to stop seeing just the hate, vitriol, lies and blame that I've been seeing. Help me focus on the love, the grace, the mercy and the compassion that You are showing to a lost and dying world. And help me be a conduit of that love, grace, mercy and compassion to each and every person I come in contact with.