Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Presidential Elections

I don't post about politics on this blog for a reason, but I feel I have no choice at this time. I am so sick of hearing about the 2020 election being rigged, stolen, hijacked, etc. No, the 2020 election was not rigged or stolen. Joe Biden received 7,052,045 more votes in the popular vote than Donald Trump, which also gave Joe Biden 306 electoral votes to Trump's 232. There's no other way to say that Biden won the election. It was overwhelmingly in Biden's favor. But, don't forget that even though Trump won the 2016 election over Hilary Clinton with 306 electoral votes to her 232, he claimed there was election fraud in that election because she beat him in the popular vote by 2,793,224 votes! That was the election that seemed to have been rigged!

There is no other office in the United States of America that is not chosen by the popular vote! In fact, of all the presidential elections that I have voted in since turning 18, only 2 have resulted in someone getting more electoral votes while losing the popular vote. One of those was George W. Bush's first election and Donald Trump's election. It's a sad, sad fact that the people of this country voted overwhelmingly in 2016 to not elect Trump as President, yet he was the one who took office. And there has never been a sadder day in the history of this Republic! The 4 years that Donald Trump inhabited the Oval Office were the worst years in the history of this nation. There has never been a more divisive, hateful and more bigoted person in that office.

And to think that there are still people out there who want to re-elect him makes me shudder. He has somehow managed to convince otherwise good people that he is a Christian, when his actions clearly indicate that he is not. During the campaign when he was asked his favorite Bible verse, he couldn't even name one. And his sad, twisted pronunciations of even the most simple Books of the Bible are horrifying! And I have to say that his "photo op" of taking a photo in front of a church with a borrowed Bible in his hand without going inside to the service that was about to start made me cringe!!

Pull your head out of the sand, people! Donald Trump is nothing but a disaster for the United States of America! However, he just may be the one that will cause the USA to fall to it's knees so that Biblical prophecy can be fulfilled. So, if it's God's will that Trump be the one to do that, I cannot stand in the way. I only want God's will to be done and if that includes Donald Trump, so be it. But I can't say I'm happy with that man.

Getting Offended By Someone "Preaching at You"

Over the years I've had the experience of talking with people about the Bible and about God where the person I was talking with suddenly became defensive and said something along the lines of, "stop preaching at me. I don't need you to teach me about the Bible." It hasn't happened often, but it has happened. At those times, I didn't have a clue what was going on! I was taken by surprise by their sudden attitude change and their declaration that I was preaching at them. Over the years, I began to understand, however, and it wasn't really me they were upset with. I was just the one giving the information and Holy Spirit is the one who was pricking their soul to listen up.

The person you are talking to, or the preacher who is in the pulpit, doesn't have a clue what's going on inside your heart, soul and mind. They're just speaking what God has given them to speak. If it's speaking to you in such a way that you start feeling defensive or targeted, that's not the speaker's doing, that's God's! If you feel that you are the one who is being spoken to, take that into your soul and start searching why God is giving you that message. Is there something in your life that God has been trying to bring to your attention? Is there something you have felt uneasy about? Well, God is trying to get you to listen up and follow what He's trying to teach you and go where He's trying to lead you. Don't get upset with the messenger! They are only doing what God is telling them to do, the rest is on you.

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Walking By Faith

Throughout my journey as a Christian I've heard a lot of people say that they walk by faith, depending on God to meet their needs and provide for them. Most of those people wouldn't have a clue how to actually walk by faith. They say they're depending on God to provide but their five and six figure bank accounts belie the statements they make with their mouths. When you are truly walking by faith, you don't know where your next meal is coming from, but you have faith that God will provide you with something to eat. You don't always know where you're going to lay your head when it comes time to sleep, but you trust that God will lead you to where you need to be.

When I moved from Shreveport, Louisiana for the last time, on 14 April 1991, I didn't know a single person in Nashville, Tennessee. I didn't have any idea about jobs in Nashville, either. Didn't have an apartment lined up, nothing. In fact, I left Shreveport with a little over $200 in my pocket, my clothes and my cat in the back end of a 1980 GMC pickup and a dream. I stepped out in faith to move to Nashville believing that's where God was leading me. When I arrived in Nashville on the 15th, I was completely lost. I didn't know one street from the next and had no clue what parts of town were good, bad or indifferent. Yet, when I saw the sign saying that I had entered into Metropolitan Nashville Davidson County, I felt like I had arrived home. I knew, somehow, deep down inside that I was meant to be in that city! And for the past 32 years 6 months and 22 days, I have remained in the metropolitan area.

It hasn't always been easy. I started out living in the back of my pickup with my cat and there have been times since when I lived in a borrowed car or in a rented room in a not so good part of town. But through it all, no matter what came my way, God provided. When I became disabled in February 1998, I was living in a very nice 3 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment. But, being unable to work and having no income, that apartment wasn't home for long. There was another reason for my leaving when I did, but even if that hadn't happened, I would not have been able to stay in the apartment because I didn't have an income to pay the rent. For three months I lived in a borrowed car. But, God opened up doors that I didn't even know existed at the time and I've had a stable home ever since.

Life on this earth isn't always easy. Depending on God for your everything ain't always a walk in the park. But, no matter what comes your way, when you truly depend on God to provide every single thing for you, you will never be hungry and you will never be alone. He will always be right there to give you what you need. And, if you obey Him and walk in His path and will, He will provide most of your wants, as well. No, you may not have a 5 figure bank account, but you won't be in need. I will never have a 5 figure bank account because I don't believe God blesses me so that I can put it in the bank. He blesses me so that I can turn around and bless others. Most of the times I received a blessing from God it was through the hand of another Christian. Yes, there were times and there were miracles that provided for my need, but the vast majority came in the form of another human being. That's why Jesus taught us to not store up treasure on this earth. When God pours His blessings out on us, it's so that we can turn around and help others.

If you are truly going to depend on God to provide your every need, get rid of all your earthly baggage and step out in blind faith and let Him guide and provide. You will be blessed beyond all you could hope or imagine, believe me!

Monday, November 6, 2023

This Day The Lord Has Made

As the frosted dew clings to the green blades of grass like tiny diamonds glinting in the sun; the carpet of nature stretches before us into the distance only to meet the turquoise skies of breaking dawn. The sounds of creation begin to stir in the crisp fall daylight creating a symphony of worship before the majestic artistry of the world awakening from slumber. No sight, no sound can measure the glory of the Risen King who is preparing His Father's House to welcome the saints of old and the modern age into the enteral splender that is being in the physical presence of the Living God of Creation.