I have been told, at times, that I talk about Jesus and/or God, too much. Really? I don't think a Christian can speak too much about Jesus and God. And besides, I can't really help myself but to talk about Jesus and God as much as I do. See, Jesus is the most important person in my life! He saved me!! He didn't just save my soul, He saved my life!! Numerous times. How could I not talk about Him and what He has done for me?
I wonder about people who call themselves Christian but they don't talk about Jesus all the time. I seriously wonder about those who then tell me I talk about Him too much! I don't think I talk about Jesus as much as I should be doing. See, every breath I breathe is thanks to Jesus, so I really should use every breath I breathe to speak about Him and what He has done, is doing and will do. And about what He can do for others. God is not some figment of my imagination or some "higher power" out there that I have no real clue about. God is right here, inside me, beside me and all around me! I can't see the sun rise without seeing God. I can't see a bird fly without seeing God! I can't see any part of nature without realizing that God is nature and nature is God. Every aspect of this world that I live in is full of God's presence and I see His hand in everything.
If someone thinks I talk about God and Jesus too much, all I can say to them is that I don't want to offend them, but I'm much more worried about offending God and Jesus than I am about offending them. See, I'm not going to hide the fact that God is more important to me than anything or anyone on this planet. I'm not going to hide the fact that I am so grateful that Jesus sacrificed so much to buy my pardon and give me the chance to experience a relationship with Him and His Father! That I am now a Son of God, not just a creation of God. I can't sit around and be silent. Even if I could, I wouldn't. I will always speak of The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost because without that love and sacrifice I wouldn't be alive much less know life.
So every breath I breathe will be to give praise, worship, adoration and love to God. Every song I sing will be to give praise and worship to Jesus Christ. In Christ I move and have my being so I cannot keep my words from being about Him. He gave me life and He is my life.
Love is God is Love is Good
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