It's funny how you can say something quite plainly, yet there will be those who will come back to you and say, "state it to me clearly. what are you trying to say?" As for me, all I can say is, "take what I said as what I said. I don't speak in riddles, I don't speak in clues. I say what I mean and I mean what I say."
See, most of what I keep being questioned on is when I start talking directly from the teachings of Jesus; somehow some people are confused on what He actually taught us and told us to do. Take the feeding of the hungry, for example. If you tell a lot of today's churchgoing people that we're supposed to do that, their answer is "well, my church takes care of that." Show me one scripture where Jesus said let the local denomination you attend do these things. If your local church does so, Praise God! But that does not absolve the individual from the responsibility of doing what Jesus told us to do!!
The Bible tells us in the last days there will be a great falling away. Most of my life I've heard about how the church is growing, but we know we're living in the last days so how do we reconcile those two seemingly conflicting statements? There's only one way to do so: just because butts are in the pews don't mean they'll be passing through the pearly gates! Correct me if you think I'm wrong, but that's the only way I can reach a resolution in my mind, heart and soul. Don't believe me? Read Matthew 7:21-23. But, that brings to my mind something else I've had people bring up to me.
When I start bringing up these topics, someone will inevitably come to me and tell me I'm condemning people or judging people. Not true. I'm speaking Biblical truth because of what I see and understand to be going on in this world today. I'm not in the face of an individual screaming they are going to hell because they don't believe the way I do. And I'm always willing to listen to someone who wants to use Biblical scripture to tell me that I'm mistaken. But when it comes as accusation, then I know it's not something that's coming from Holy Spirit. Yes, Holy Spirit will challenge me on things I've not gotten quite right, but it's never condemning and it's never harsh. And I try to never be harsh when I say these things. Galatians 6:1 says, "Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted." I'm doing what I've been told to do by the Word of God and I never want to come across as judgmental or cruel or condemning when I do so, so if anyone sees that, then I definitely want them to point that out to me, just as they are told to do.
The sad truth is that today, while so many say they believe in the devil, they don't really. They don't believe that the devil is a deceiver. They believe the devil will only confront them face to face with something evil. While he does that, also, his best trick is to deceive a believer into believing something that is a twisted version of the truth. That's how he starts leading them astray and the end result is total separation from God. Just like this current movement of people asking, "How can a good God send people to hell?" That's the devil's trick! God won't be sending anyone to hell! Even Lucifer, himself, chose to go to hell! All we have to do to prevent that from happening is to accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and acknowledge there is only One, True God! The Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End. His name is I AM!
Sowing discord, discontent, hatred, malice, judgment, condemnation, mistrust and division are all tools of the devil. And if you're not seeing all those tools being used in this present age then you have blinders on. And I pray Holy Spirit will remove the scales from your spiritual eyes so that you can see you're being deceived.
Love is God and God is Love and Love is good!
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