Sunday, July 14, 2024

America: Christian Nation or Not?

Okay, I'm going to stir the pot a bit more. I keep hearing that the United States of America is a christian nation, but I sure don't see America acting like a christian nation. First, and foremost, in the founding documents of these United States, there is not one instance where Jesus Christ is mentioned. Not by name, nor by title. There is no use of Jesus, Christ, Messiah or any other term used to identify the Christ in our founding documents. Yes, this nation was begun because of religious persecution in England, but the founding fathers deliberately omitted Christ from the documents to found this great nation for a reason: religious freedom was paramount in their minds. In the Constitution, it was even enshrined by stating that the government of the United States could not make one religion tantamount to another. The government is prohibited from enforcing any religion on anyone or prohibiting anyone from worshipping the way they choose.

A lot of people are clamoring for the Ten Commandments to be posted in schools and government buildings. Great, but they are not christian, they're Judaic. If this were a christian nation, we should be demanding the Beatitudes be posted in schools and government buildings. Not one of the people who claim this to be a christian nation wants the teachings of Christ to be posted anywhere. And any time the government tries to do something that follows the teachings of Jesus, it's the christians who get up in arms and demand the government stop those programs. Feeding the poor? That's a direct command from Jesus, but what are the christians saying about programs that feed the poor? They're demanding the government cease and desist!!

What about allowing people to come to the United States and enjoy the freedoms and opportunities it offers? Christians are the very ones demanding our borders be closed and no one allowed to come here from impoverished and/or communist nations. Where, in the Bible, can they find any scripture that states we should not be helping those who are not enjoying the freedoms we enjoy? In fact, part of the reason, as stated in the scripture, that Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed was because of their attitude toward visitors/strangers in their cities. Yes, sexual perversion was also one, but the cities were destined for destruction before the citizens of Sodom tried to rape angels sent to protect Lot's family.

The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States of America talk about the inalienable rights bestowed on men by God. But, the founders of this country believed in Divine Destiny, which gave white man control of everything and made the natives or indigenous peoples of this land of no account and had no rights, whatsoever. That's not a christian mentality. That's white privilege at it's finest! Jesus commanded that we love each and every person as our brother and sister! Where in the history of the nation do we see the government of this land treating people equally and with love? Can we find it in the treatment of blacks? Natives? Irish? Chinese? Japanese? No!! Our history proves that this country was not founded on christian principles, but rather on the principle that white men are at the top of all society and anyone of color is baseless, worthless and only meant to be used by the whites to gain power, wealth and prestige!

While I will agree that the United States is one of the greatest nations on this planet, I cannot agree that it is God's nation and that we act as children of God in this nation. The opposite is what all the facts point to. Jesus did not give christians the United States. While we seek God's blessings for this nation, we have to understand that Israel is God's nation. No other nation will ever gain the title of God's people. While we may call ourselves the children of Abraham, and there may be some who share DNA with him, the United States is not the nation of Abraham. Israel is. And Abraham had another son who fathered a people, and those are not the people of the United States, either. They are the people we know as Arabs or Palestinians. The ones we hate in this country.

So, please, tell me again that the United States is a christian nation.

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