Monday, January 7, 2013

Selfish? Stingy? Slighted?

I love the scripture that says it is better to give than to receive, and I love being able to give to others to meet their needs. I love to see the faces of someone who is at the end of their rope then see the hope burst into their eyes again when they receive something they desperately need. I'm even more honored when God uses me to meet the need of someone who has been praying. It's such an amazing thing to be a part of the miracle, even though it's just a minor, bit role in the grand scheme of things.

On the flip side, I'm no different than any other person on the planet; I do like to receive from others, at times, as well. I can't say birthdays are an example of receiving things because I rarely get anything for my birthday. But a few times a year I've been the recipient of a blessing from God via the vessel of someone here on earth. And it's still truly a miraculous thing. Even when it's not a miracle or a blessing from God's bosom, when someone thinks enough of me to present me with something, it's an amazing feeling I get knowing they love me enough and think highly enough of me to spend their money on me.

Now, all that being said, I have a poser to answer; couple people I know exchange gifts each year, but one of them is definitely giving much more than the other. This past Christmas, for example, Eli gave Bill, the following items for Christmas: a Remington Electric Razor and a 42" Vizio LCD TV. Bill gave Eli a used GPS for his car which required updating, which cost Eli $90. Of the two, Bill earns four times the income of Eli. Eli struggles each month, financially, but he works hard and is very frugal, in most instances and manages to pay his bills, etc. Bill, on the other hand, is very free-spending, eating out, going to the movies, buying all kinds of new and exciting gadgets, etc.

I've been asked if it's right for Eli to feel as if he's not really held in very high esteem by Bill, or if it's okay that he feels slighted and short-changed when, at Christmas each year he spends on Bill while Bill feels it's appropriate to give Eli used gifts, almost as an afterthought, like he forgot to buy Eli a gift so he just gives him something to say he gave something. Spiritually, I can't find any scripture that says Eli can't feel the way he feels, and I know that Eli is always a joyful giver when he buys and presents the presents to his brother. And I can empathize when Eli feels the way he does after Christmas when he speaks about the hurt knowing that he's spent so much on Bill and Bill presents him with something insignificant that he took out of his car to give Eli because he had received a brand new GPS unit from his sister.

This one is a quandary for me. And I certainly don't have any words of wisdom to give Eli nor any words of instruction to give to Bill. I can only continue to pray for the both of them.

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