There's a growing movement among the church that says God knows the outcome and content of each day of our lives, and the final decisions of our life even before we're born. That He knows who will be saved and who will be lost, and has done since before time began. I have to question that line of thinking, however, because God gave us free will. Free will means we have the choice to make. If God knew before the foundations of the world what my decision would be, then how could I truly have free will?
I know there are seeming "inconsistencies" in Christianity; for example, in order to be strong, we must be weak. To live in Christ we must die to self. The meek will be exalted. The master must be servant. And so it goes throughout the New Testament. But, seriously, if God knew before I was born the choices and decisions I would make on the 256th day of my 31st year at 1347 hours, then could I ever have truly made the decision myself via free will, or was it preordained of God that I would choose to do what I did at that exact moment?
It also would negate the argument that some folks have that God only gives someone so many chances before He turns them over to be lost for all eternity with no further call from Him. If He knows that they will ultimately reject all His calls to them, then why would He bother to call them at all? Knowing they're going to reject Him, why waste the energy? (Let me be clear, I don't think God turns His back on anyone until the moment they take their last breath!)
The reason we are so precious to God is because we have free will to make the choice to serve and worship Him or not. When we make the choice to worship and serve the Almighty, the Word says there is a celebration in Heaven! Why would there be such if God already knew we would make that decision and exactly when we would do so? There would be nothing to celebrate because He already knew we'd make that decision. And why would the Bible tell us that God is holding off on bringing the world and time to an end hoping that none would be lost, giving every single person the chance to make the decision for Him?
I know there are many things we cannot understand about God's workings. His ways are so far above ours and our feeble minds can never comprehend His awesome power and majesty. But, when He created man and gave us free will, I believe He chose to not know what our ultimate decision would be, even though He could if He wanted. After all, He did create the entire universe and everything in it just by speaking the Word! Well everything, that is, except man. For the creation of man He didn't speak us into existence, He formed us with His own hand and blew His breath into man; to create woman He took the rib of man to create his helpmate. The only creation He created that He used His own hand to form and make. That tells us how wonderfully and awesomely we were made, and how great His love and esteem for us is.
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