Congress has learned nothing from the months-long partisanship that brought the US to the brink of financial ruin with the debt-ceiling fiasco. Despite their calls for reduction of the deficit and debt, the GOP members of the US Senate are costing the government $30 Million PER DAY in uncollected taxes by not coming to agreement on the FAA shutdown. The Democrats aren't off the hook on this, either. They refuse to negotiate with the GOP on the matter.
At issue is the Republican demand that $16½ Million in subsidies for rural air service be cut and the Democratic refusal to cut any subsidy amount. Because of this stalemate the FAA's operating authority expired on 22 July which means airlines cannot collect $30 Million per day in ticket taxes. If, as they're saying, this is not resolved until September, the total loss to the federal government will top $1.2 billion. This is totally unacceptable.
When will the politicians in Washington realize the American people are sick to death of this partisanship? Neither side is willing to compromise, which is causing massive confusion as well as the loss of revenue and the wasting of billions of our tax dollars each month! I believe it's time we unite as a people and put an end to "party politics" and remind those whom we have elected that we sent them to Washington to protect us and to run our government in an efficient, yet powerful way. The idea that each party votes against anything the other party offers simply because it is being proposed by someone of a different political stripe is ludicrous. Whether Republican or Democrat, each and every member of the House of Representatives and the Senate were elected to represent the people of this nation, not their party. They might run on a party ticket, but once they're elected they are no longer Democrat or Republican, they are simply a representative of the people of their district, regardless of party affiliation or the lack thereof!
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